
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Devin Turns "12"

Just three days after we returned from Latvia, Devin turned 12 years old. We had a low key family celebration as we were all extremely jet lagged and my brain was in a complete fog. {Which is probably why I thought I had already done this blog post.}

We ordered Devin's favorite treat - a cookie cake from a local bakery. The cake came decorated in an Atlanta Braves theme.

I was so thankful I had the forethought to get Devin's gift before we left for Latvia. He was so thrilled to receive tickets to a Brave's game.

Devin, so proud of the young man you have grown into. You have shown maturity beyond your years this year. When I doubted where God was in this whole adoption process you remained strong in your faith. You were willing to give up everything material if it meant bringing home your new sister. We love you Dev - Happy Birthday!

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