
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Going Ons {April 2014}

Wow ... another month has just flown by. I wish I had more time to keep my blog updated but, there are just not enough hours in the day! So, I have decided my goal will be to update once a month with a review of our "going ons". {Pictured above - spring has sprung!}

{Ballet picture week ... so glad this is done and behind us}

{We got a new black kitty named Binx}

{Our Classical Conversations school wrapped up with a fun dinner and awards night}

{The girls performed as part of a trio in their choir spring musical}

{A quick trip to Asheville to spend Easter with my family}

{Lexi performed a short dance piece for her GA's skit night}

{Devin enjoyed some great baseball games with his middle school team}

{Crunch time for these two girls - as they spent countless hours rehearsing for their dance competition}

{Lexi graduated from GA's ... on to middle school}

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