
Friday, May 23, 2014

Dancing to Compete {May 2014}

After a year or two of my daughter asking when she could take part in a dance competition we decided to test the waters this year. We chose to enter the first competition with a duet number with a close friend. After extra private lessons with a choreographer and hours and hours of  independent practice a few weeks ago the girls took the stage at KAR's Regional Dance Competition.

Their hard work and dedication paid off with not only a Top First place in their division for lyrical dance but, a third place high score in their age division, and a special talent award - which included an invitation to attend a master's class with the Rockettes in New York City.

So proud of the determination and hard work that went into the preparation - we would have just been happy with the experience.

Pictured above ~ The girls gasped when they saw this competition stage and lighting ... it was so fun to watch as they experienced this opportunity for the first time!

Pictured above ~ Lexi and her good friend, Ellie, with their dance choreographer and dance school director. Pictured below ~ the girls performed their award winning duet in our dance school's recital last weekend.

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