
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Summer Plans {2014}

Hard to believe how much we always cram into those last few weeks before summer begins ... we've done baseball games, a dance competition, dance recital, and testing. So nice to have a breather for a few weeks before our summer plans kick into gear.

On tap this summer ...

  • Classical Conversations Practicum/Tutor Training/Camp for the kids and I
  • Homeschool Group Book Sale
  • VBS at our church
  • 4th of July trip to Asheville, North Carolina
  • 90 hours of a ballet summer intensive for Lexi and Ava Mae
  • Baseball Private Coaching for Devin
  • Lots of swimming and fun with friends!
  • Camp Winshape for Devin
  • Two different Camp Crafty Girls days at my home
  • Hosting a foreign exchange student from France in July

After all that fun, I have a feeling we will look forward to heading back to school at the end of August! Speaking of school ... we aren't putting our studies aside for the whole summer. Devin and Lexi are working on getting all of their reading done, for the 2014-2015 school year. We are also going to start working on Latin vocabulary - doesn't that sound like fun! Ava Mae will work on becoming a more fluent reader, so lots of reading on tap for her.

The kids can't wait to get to our pool ... I like to wait until at least Memorial Day. With the cold winter we had I cannot imagine our pool warming up before June. 

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