
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Another End of Year Celebration

Tonight was our HFC (church small group) End of the Year BBQ at our HFC Leaders' Home. The BBQ was wonderful!! The weather, like last night, perfect to be outside. The kids played baseball, frisbee and the ever popular game of chase while the grown ups enjoyed catching up. I even got my baby fix holding the most adorable newborn baby girl.

This year's HFC was a perfect fit for us ... we met every other Sunday and the couples were those we have known for a couple of years. Plus, we have hands down the best HFC Leaders ... James and Dawn y'all mean so much to us!!

I went off and forgot my camera at home but, I captured a few shots on my iPhone of our BBQ ...

Saturday, May 30, 2009

End of the Year Party

Tonight was our homeschool group's End of the School Year Party. Our good friends hosted and, it was so much fun ... Pizza, Beach Ball Volleyball, and a huge Ice Cream Sundae Trough - the recipe of which I found on a blog recently.

Here are some pictures from the evening ...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Today, we are remembering my brother Sean, who is currently serving with his unit in Iraq. Sean has a wife and two adorable daughters back in Oklahoma, who he misses so much! He is heading home in 14 days for his 2 week R&R. I am praying that these next few weeks pass quickly and that his time back at home is restful. I pray every night for his safety and the safety of his unit. Today, the kids worked on a box for us to ship to Sean and his unit.

The kids made Sean cards and letters, I made some cards for his unit to use to send back state side for their friends and family, and of course, we packed up some snacks.

Memorial Day normally finds us at our Club swimming and enjoying a cook out but, with the weather being so rainy it gave us time to focus more on what this day is all about, honoring those who so bravely defend our country!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Season Ends ...

Tuesday night was our Upward Baseball Team's end of the year party at Chuck E. Cheese. It was so nice to see all the players and parents outside of the ball fields. This team has been really special to my husband, who is in his second year of coaching baseball at Upward, he was gifted with some wonderful players and some players who had never played the game before. At age 7, learning to play baseball for the first time in a league where many boys have played for 3 - 4 years can be hard but, we witnessed some wonderful transformations during our short season.

I think it was such a wonderful testimony to my husband's sweet nature when it comes to coaching, when several parents inquired last night how they could be sure their boys would be on my husband's team again next year. We have made some great friendships and hope to get together over the summer with these families.

Thanks Muckdogs for a great season ... one filled with few wins but, lots of fun!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Best Friends

Lexi and her best friend, Grace, got matching haircuts today. These two girls have such a love for each other, a special relationship that so few of us can say we have had in our lives from toddler age.

I tell Lexi all the time what a special gift God has given her. The other night Lexi came into my room and said "Mom, I cannot wait until I am a teenager and have my own cell phone." I thought this was a strange statement and asked what she meant, her reply, "well, it means I can talk to Grace 24 hours a day ... we can text each other all the time."

I am not sure that will happen, in fact I cannot be sure of what the future holds for their relationship, only God knows the plans he has for these two. How amazing though to have a lifetime of memories in just six short years.

Above ~ Lexi and Grace, 3 years old, April 2006.
Below ~ Lexi and Grace, 6 years old, April 2009.

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

How Beautiful Are the Feet of Those Who Bring Good News

The culmination of another year of ballet and tap ... the recital. Last year as I sat watching my two girls dance in their recital, for another studio, I questioned the decision I had made to pull them out and place them in a Christian Ballet School. I worried that moving Lexi from a professional company school would set her back. I know, crazy thoughts, when you think Lexi is right now is only six years old.

All of my worries though were put aside on Saturday when I watched Lexi dance. I have been told so many times that she has a gift and I feel that the Lord has blessed her with a very special talent. Lexi and I have talked so many times about how she can use that gift to praise God and share that with others. I know that it was God who lead me to this wonderful ballet school she is now attending. She loves her teacher and she loves Ms. Lisa (the ballet school director) who has such a love for all the girls.

And, Ava Mae, she is just having a great time ... at 4 years old she loves dance, like her sister but, she is in it for the dress up time in class and the flowers at the end of recital.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The End is Near ...

So hard to believe that we are now rolling into the last week of homeschooling ... coupled with all the other activities winding down during the next few days, it all just seems a little surreal.

It really does seem like just yesterday we were starting our school year ... Fall was fast approaching and I was wondering what the year would hold for us. I am so happy to look back on a year where Devin and Lexi both made great strides in both Reading and Math. Lexi began the year struggling with remembering all of her letter sounds and now she is reading on a 1st grade level. Devin's reading has also taken off along with his Math. We had a great time studying Ancient Egypt, China and Africa and took some wonderful field trips.

In 3 short months another school year will begin but, for now, it is time for swimming, long playdates in the park, summer camps and fun with friends!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Another Rainy Day in Georgia

So what to do on another rainy day ... listen to stories made up by the kids.

Enjoy the sites at our birdfeeder from the comfort of inside our home ...

Enjoy the fun of watching our cats watch the birdfeeder ...

Friday, May 1, 2009

Teaching a Craft

Yesterday I taught the first in a series of classes on rubberstamping. I opened the class up to the girls in our homeschool group and we had a great class! The girls were all so sweet, well-mannered and so purposeful in their creations, it was truly a joy and a blessing in my life to teach them. Pictured above are two of the projects we completed - a Father's Day Card and a Tin with a crafted Paper Flower and little tag. The last project was a Mother's Day Card and I must keep that under wraps so it can be a surprise for the Moms.

Rubberstamping is a love of mine and I have so enjoyed sharing it with many women. I am so happy that I can now share this craft with the young girls in our homeschool group. I love Charlotte Mason's philosophy about teaching children a craft that they can grow into and use, for the rest of their life.